



These are excerpts from reflections of the participants of the courses hosted on the farm.


Ecological Futures Autumn 2019


“My experience during the course was informative and illuminating. During the course I got multiple opportunities to ask questions, clarify doubts and deep dive into diverse perspectives on farming, agriculture and its varied aspects. Post the course, I have a fresh and deep insight about the activities that I engage in agriculture with, which earlier was just limited to following a set procedure. The biggest take away from the course has been a supreme level of clarity and insight.”

Aditya Manocha, Bir, Himachal Pradesh


“It was a beautiful experience and I hope to share what I learnt with the communities that I work in. I have gained a lot from this course and would love if more people get to join this chain.”

Anjali Joy, Kerala


“It was a very enriching experience in terms of knowledge and practical skills. The course also changed my relationship with food, it made me appreciate it more. I am looking forward to using these new skills in creating a  community garden project at the school where I work.  I would recommend this course to people interested in making changes in their lives towards nature and community living as it would give them practical skills and pointers for future thoughts and interventions.”

Asha Ponikiewska, Bengaluru, Karnataka


“The course was very enjoyable and informative and I particularly liked the discussions and practical work. I will definitely endeavour to use and expand this knowledge for growing my own food.”

Benjamin Still, United Kingdom


“One thing that I absolutely loved about the course was the structure in terms that it was divided into theory and then observation. The part of a whole theory and the topic on patterns is something that will stay with me for a long time. I’d been to permaculture farms before, and somehow Shunya farm, was the first that made me realise how much diversity was possible in a land less than an acre. I would recommend this course because of how holistic the approach was. It felt like things that are happening right now and have been happening started making much more sense.”

Bijal Balsara, Mumbai, Maharashtra


“The diversity of content of this course is commendable and makes this one of the most unique programs I have attended in my life. This course has motivated and given me a good direction for observation and experimentation.”

Jeewika Bhat, Bir, Himachal Pradesh


“The course has provided me with a framework to observe, understand and approach my work in native forest restoration and urban permaculture, specially on understanding and working with soil. The fact that the course was on a farm, made it possible to observe the complex ecological relationships and appreciate them. “

Parul Sethi, Delhi


“I havent felt more comfortable or ‘in the right place’ in any other program or community. The structure of the course, discussions, farm work and overall methodology was very interesting. There has been a shift and a genuine intrigue and excitement inside me about all natural systems that I had never considered before. I am taking back a lot more than what I came for.”

Sannat Sachdev, Jaipur, Rajasthan





Ecological Futures Summer 2019


“My experience during the course was phenomenal. I just felt like I became a part of the farm and this family. This course helped me to get out of my bubble and I am looking forward to using this learning in my kitchen garden at home and in the school that I am involved in. Not only the course information, but I am also taking inspiration for facilitation and sharing this experience forward. I wish this farm continues to grow beautifully. “

Praveen Reddy Kona, Hyderabad, Telangana


” I have had a shift in my thought patterns with the connection to the diversity of the farm and also with the course insight. I have slowed down and things seem to have new clarity for my long term life path. I came with the thought of learning only about farming but have learned the deeper meanings of the same. I understand now how diversity is the basis of life.  I will recommend this course to anyone looking to understand the deeper meaning of sustainability. “

Samarendra Lal Bhuyan, Delhi


“I was able to access various topics in a way that I never had before. My experience with the course was overwhelmingly positive and it was very inspiring and practically useful. It was exactly in line with the kind of life I aspire to lead.  The facilitation of the course was excellent and I am coming away inspired to practice farming and with a set of tools, to start doing so.”

Joe Peloquin, USA


” The amazing information and the connections and relationships, starting from forest ecology and linking it to our society clears up so many perspectives on why we behave the way we do. The course was very well connected while keeping a diverse group together. Anybody interested in exploring nature’s patterns and wanting to live a natural life should consider this course.”

Anupam Suri, Delhi


“This course has brought a shift in the way I have so far looked at the issues of soil, food, nutrition and my own notions of how I want my life to be. The knowledge gained here will be critical to catalyze my explorations in this field and to build a farm that brings a change in whatever context I am going to work in. “

Vishnu Kant, Delhi

“I have found this course to be inspiring, fascinating, overwhelming, and huge learning about life and myself. The course showed me what I am really passionate about and I am looking forward to incorporating this learning in my art.
I would highly recommend this course, the depth to which we studied the state of the world will change the perspective of any human and this immersion in nature is itself healing.
One of my intentions from the course was to be in more balance mentally and physically. I feel that I have achieved that more so than after my yoga course.”

Chloe Steeple, United Kingdom


“The course put in perspective with right clarity, many things that I have known about vaguely. It covered all aspects of life holistically and showed wisdom as to how to care for our planet now and in the future. The diversity of topics, the depth of discussions, hands-on experiences and their interconnections, everything was amazing and well balanced in a harmonious marriage of theory and practice. I felt blessed to be a part of this journey. “

Joseph, Kerala


“This was an intensive workshop; The overall experience was overwhelming to the point that I had to brief myself every evening. I am amazed by the way diversity works and am truly inspired by the farm work, shattered many of my notions regarding physical tending of the farm. The way of explaining the topics and creating visuals with a different yet simple approach helped me better understand, even the things that I was aware of before the course. Highly recommend the workshop to everyone who is open-minded to different views and to giving it a go. “

Sneha Mathews, Mumbai, Maharashtra




Ecological Futures, Winter 2018


“It was a very inclusive experience.  It helped me open up and view different perspectives and give me the confidence to develop my own new perspective. The course is useful for people from any sector or spectrum of life.”
Vijeta Mishra, Uchana, Haryana


“This course has left me shaken. I realise now what direction I need to take for my life, village, and work. I am also taking back the strength of expressing myself without worrying too much about the correctness of it.”
Vinit Dham, Baghpath, Uttar Pradesh


“The farm and the course is a real inspiration for any aspiring self-sustainable person. I feel much more confident about continuing on this path. I am already looking forward to coming again and learning more.”
Prachi Arya, Bir, Himachal Pradesh


“The course has been a transformative experience for me. I am inspired to design my life in a different way now and immediately start with a kitchen garden. I am already feeling a sense of care seeping in.”
Rithwik Singh, Mumbai, Maharashtra




Ecological Futures, Autumn 2018


“The time I have spent in Bir has opened many new avenues with like-minded people and communities. Besides the learning and inspiration of the course, I am carrying back the hope for humanity on this planet.”
Deepak, Bengaluru, Karnataka


“This course is a foundation for a garden, farm or a community. It has opened new doors for me and given me the inspiration and courage to make positive changes in my life.”
Holger, Germany


“After my time at the course, I feel that my dream of having a small farm one-day is definitely possible. I now have a new set of lenses bringing me closer to nature. Everyone should learn this at school.”
Jodie, United Kingdom


“If I had to pick a word to describe my experience during this course, it would be abundance. I have never grown more in any other courses I have attended.”
Blog post:
Manal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat


“This course will be a basis of whatever I do in my life. Very inspired to continue learning more about this. The learning was real, involved and easy to understand for someone like me who does not have any technical knowledge about agriculture.”
Pallavi, Mumbai, Maharashtra


“My thinking has gone through a transformation in the last eight days. I never thought of relationships the way explained in the course. I came with no expectations but returning with more than I could collect in the last few years.”
Renu, Ahmedabad, Gujarat


“This course has given a new direction to my thinking and life. My perception of farming and its various relationships have changed. I am very inspired to study more in depths, all the knowledge and information I am taking from here.”
Swati, Mumbai, Maharashtra


“My experience during the course surpassed all my expectations. The relationships have become clearer and I will now commit fewer mistakes in starting out new career paths.”
Utsav, Ahmedabad, Gujarat




Living Soil, June 2018


“It was amazing how the course unfolded. The course has opened up a new way of looking at soil and life. I am excited to learn more.”
Deepak, Delhi


“The course has introduced some really exciting ideas that I am looking forward to learning more about. This will be extremely useful in the work we plan to do.”
Jeewika, Himachal Pradesh


“This has been a very knowledgeable course. I feel inspired to take this information to our farmers in Nagpur.”
Puja, Nagpur, Madhya Pradesh


“It was a little overwhelming for me since I have had no experience in this area, but I had great moments of insights and reflections during the course. This place and work make the most sense to me right now.”
Akanksha, Delhi


“It was wonderful to try to understand the workings of nature. I am very grateful for this course to bring together these ideas and people and sharing.”
Dominique, France




Ecological Futures, Summer 2018


“I had a very rejuvenating week and a wonderful experience. I feel more confident after the course and that I have found some sort of firm footing again. I am inspired to learn more and apply the broad and specific principles to my life and work.”
Minna, Mumbai, Maharashtra


“Even though I have attended a Permaculture Design Certificate course in the past, I learned a lot through this course. The course gave me the tools to look at things around me differently and that is going to stay with me forever and help me in my personal and professional journey. I finally feel confident to start my own farm or just a balcony bed and grow plants.”
Sohan, Mumbai, Maharashtra


“This was a wonderfully educational course, well designed for beginners and people looking to understand the key aspects of deep ecology.”
Aditya, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand


“The course has introduced me to a lot of new ideas I did not know existed and deepened my understanding of what I already knew. It feels that course has helped build a strong foundation for my architecture thesis project and future work.”
Chaitali, Maharashtra


“The course was a good reminder for me to slow down and observe carefully. It has triggered a series of thoughts, a need to step back and reflect before doing. I feel empowered and clear on why I do what I do. I am also realising the need to develop a larger perspective, being able to zoom in and out and keep the larger picture in mind.”
Archana, Himachal Pradesh


“I was guided step by step into a deeper understanding of words and ideas that are otherwise just thrown around. I am now comfortable with the fact that change takes time and am able to see the cause as much as the effect.”
Deergha, Sikkim


“This course has been one of the best learning experiences I have had. I have always wanted my life and career to move towards sustainability and this course is a definite advancement in that direction.”
Uttisht, Dubai


“I am interested in teaching environmental chemistry and this course has introduced many interesting ideas that I would like to know more about and work with. It has been a great learning experience and has triggered a change in the way I see things.”
Roslin, Kerala


“It has been a perception and perspective-altering course. I look forward to learning more and applying the principles of Permaculture to my life and work.”
Siddhant, Delhi




Ecological Futures, Spring 2018


“Our discussions, work, and reflections helped me to put a lot of things, inside and outside, in perspective. The course has given me a lot of practical knowledge and a direction to my inner questioning.”
Roshni, Delhi


“The way the information was presented was very accessible, something I find lacking greatly in today’s world. The course has helped me deepen my understanding of Mother Earth and finding extreme simplicity in the most complex ideas. I am able to see way more relationships now.”
Sujit, Kerala


“theory. praxis. everything is connected. spiritual meets factual.”
Mela, Germany


“Through the course, many ideas and thoughts were triggered inside me. I feel a deep longing to grow my own food.”
Philip, Germany


“I had a wholesome experience through all my senses. The meaning of ecology has evolved into a more holistic and deeper idea.”
Nishtha, Himachal Pradesh


“My understanding of ecology has become more real. The course has given me the strength to know how to be sure of the way I want to do my work.”
Keta, Bangalore



Seed to Seed, November 2017

“This course helped me understand concepts & techniques that would be useful just about anywhere in the world. It was great to see permaculture in action and to recognize that it’s a philosophy that goes beyond the land. It’s one of the great silent revolutions of our time.
It was humbling to connect with the land, to respect the life beneath our feet & be blessed with so much abundance. I would recommend it to people who have an interest in growing their own food but are not confident about it & even to people who have been doing some kind of farming for some time.”
Swati, Madhya Pradesh


Seed to Seed, September 2017

“Learning about the whole ecological system while starting right from putting the seed into the soil to saving the seed, has been an enriching experience. The course has been of great help in forming my foundation for the natural farming way and giving me the confidence to start my own farm.”
Rohit, Himachal Pradesh